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Gandhiji said: “I shall work for an India in which the poorest shall feel that it is their country, in whose making they have an effective voice, an India in which there shall be no high class and low class of people, an India in which all communities shall live in perfect harmony. There can be no room in such an India for the curse of untouchability or the curse of intoxicating drinks and drugs. Women will enjoy the same rights as men. This is the India of my dreams.


Success comes connecting the impossible. Justice is the chiefest interest of man on earth, is the observation of a great juristic mind. Justice is often denied, delayed or eluded. From womb to tomb humans are put to situation reaction tests. Man feels accomplished when he is treated fairly. In a politically organised society the governed is a heterogeneous lot. Government often is a machine churning out deals to the governed and governance even at its best is an amorphous phenomenon. Therefore, it is imperative that there should be a connecting link among the three - GOVERNED GOVERNMENT GOVERNANCE. This is the operative process found in micro macro and mega levels. When the three entities are successfully connected justice become visible - injustice also!

About Us

Society is driven through the politically organised state. State becomes live only with a lively government. In the earlier times the thinking was that, ‘that government is best which governs least’. With the modern welfare state, the dictum has changed to mean, ‘that government is best which governs most’. Thus governance has become unwieldy today. Citizens have to confront government for umpteen issues. Getting justice more often an impossible thing. Going to the court of law is an exception rather than a rule for ordinary citizens. Similarly getting justice from the government is also an exception rather than a rule for the common man. In such circumstances a platform to solve the real life problems of the citizens is part of a grant mission. CG3 aims to accomplish this ambition through connecting the governed with government and governance. Those who have lost their way in the wilderness of busy life, we show them the correct path.


Article 1

About Us
Who We Are

Society is driven through the politically organised state. State becomes live only with a lively government. In the earlier times the thinking was that, ‘that government is best which governs least’. With the modern welfare state, the dictum has changed to mean, ‘that government is best which governs most’. Thus governance has become unwieldy today. Citizens have to confront government for umpteen issues. Getting justice more often an impossible thing. Going to the court of law is an exception rather than a rule for ordinary citizens. Similarly getting justice from the government is also an exception rather than a rule for the common man. In such circumstances a platform to solve the real life problems of the citizens is part of a grant mission. CG3 aims to accomplish this ambition through connecting the governed with government and governance. Those who have lost their way in the wilderness of busy life, we show them the correct path.

What We Do

When everything is said and done, more is said than done, goes the adage. A humdrum mortal is not interested to listen to sermons; he is interested in real experience of his dignity and livelihood. Giving sustenance to one person is worth more than preaching to a thousand persons. Access to justice to the deprived and disconnected citizens by connecting them to the benefits of governance is the avowed motto of CG3. Facilitating the needy individually, collectively and improving the dealings with the state, its instrumentalities and agencies is the policy. This requires an organised team of enterprising entrepreneurs. The activities also include dissemination of information, updating of legal literacy positions, conducting seminars and workshops, publication of literature pertaining to human right activities and various connected programs.

"To strive, to seek, to find, and not to yield"

Lord Tennyson

About Us
Who We Are
What We Do
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